SOS Earth Video Assignment

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Please watch and listen carefully to the following video.
Then leave a comment about something you learnt under this post or write it on paper and bring it to school.

Click HERE for Video


  1. MARTINA says:

    i think that this is unfare this will be our futere no animals no food no nothing if we dont start taking action our future wont be so bright at all. The world made us because it thought we could do it our lifes are in danger some people think that life will never end So lets refuse reuse recycle.

  2. Steven mourani says:

    I learnd that people are killing animals by throwing plastics and making world dirty and polluted. We should always clean after us.

  3. Sebastian says:

    This is Sebastian Posada and I learned from the video that we cannot throw trash or plastics in the ocean, we need to clean the ocean

  4. SofiaBello says:

    we need to not throw so much trash in the bin, because like that you are creating more garbage.

  5. Stephanos says:

    I will not throw trash again.

  6. Stella says:

    It was sad because we saw animals who had eaten plastic and died. It was good that the children were trying to help the earth and stop using Styrofoam. We need to use things that are reusable or recyclable.

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